Hyper-V overview
Type 2 hypervisor: hypervisor runs on top of OS, which runs on top of the hardware
Type 1 hypervisor: hypervisor runs on top of the hardware
When you install Hyper-V role on Datacenter or Standard, it will load the hypervisor before the OS, so it is a Type 1. The OS is then run in the parent/root "partition"
Hyper-V 2012 Free product that will install Hyper-V role only into a server core install. Storage-Services role also installed. Remote-Desktop-Services role also available. No other roles can be installed. Guest OS's still have to be licensed if necessary.
3.1.1 configure dynamic memory
Enables Hyper-V to adjust memory as VM's need it.
While VM is off, go to Settings and Memory. Check "Dynamic Memory".
Minimum Ram: specifies the minimum amount of ram the machine will run with(after start). This value can be
less than startup ram, because running usually uses less.
Maximum Ram: The largest amount of ram this machine can use for itself.
Memory Buffer: Determines how much to allocate extra ram to allocate to a VM that needs it, based on
current memory utilization
Memory weight: Set priority of memory allocation for this VM compared to others.
After enabling dynamic memory, these values can be changed while the VM is running.
View current settings for all VM's on server:
get-vm | get-vmmemory | format-table vmname, dynamicmemoryenabled, startup, minimum, maximum, buffer, priority
Output those numbers in MB instead:
get-vm | get-vmmemory | format-table vmname, dynamicmemoryenabled, @{n='Startup(MB)';e={$_.startup / 1MB}}, @{n='Min(MB)';e={$_.minimum / 1MB}}, @{n='Max(MB)';e={$_.maximum / 1MB}}, buffer, priority
Now to set values on a specific vm:
set-vmmemory -vmname 'VMserv1' -dynamicmemoryenabled $true -startupbytes 4096MB -minimumbytes 2048MB -maximumbytes 8192MB -buffer 25 -priority 60
3.1.2 configure smart paging
Smart paging allows for a VM to restart/start even though it doesn't have enough physical memory to do so. It can page memory onto hard disk. This is of course slower than using physical memory.
Smart setting location is set in a VM's settings under Management/Smart Paging File Location node.
set-vm -name 'VMserv1' -smartpagingfilepath 'd:\hyper-v_pagingfiles'
3.1.3 configure Resource Metering
Resource metering is a feature that will track VM usages by various criteria:
By default:
Memory: min, max and average
Disk space
Incoming and outgoing network straffic.
enable-resourcemetering -vmname 'VMserv1'
show resource metering report:
measure-vm -vmname 'VMserver1'
You can also create resource pools across computers/resources
enable-vmresourcemetering -resourcepoolname serverpool
3.1.4 configure guest integration services
Guest integration services is a software package that helps provide some guest OS features. This is installed on 2012 and Windows 8 by default. There is even a linux package available. Features included with Guest Integration Services:
Operating System Shutdown: Enabled Hyper-V manager to remotely shut down a guest OS gracefully.
Time synchronization: synchronize the os clocks in parent and child partitions
Data Exchange: Windows OS's on parent and child partitions can exchange some information
Heartbeat: Parent partitions "ping" child partitions to see if they are up
Backup: Enables backup of windows VM by using VSS.
To Upgrade/install GIS on a Windows guest OS:
1. Select the VM to install/upgrade GIS and click Connect
2. In VM connection windows, click Action/Insert Integration SErvices Setup Disk. Hyper-V will mount an image of GIS.
3. Install GIS and restart computer
Once GIS is installed, you can enable/disable the services available to this machine by going into VM settings, Management/Integration Services node and checking/unchecking the GIS services.
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